We focus on youth “leagues” not school based teams (scholastic teams), action photos, or events.
Our customers are privately run volunteer-based leagues such as Little League, Pop Warner, AYSO, USYSA state affiliates, PONY baseball, Cal Ripken Baseball, and others. These programs are parent volunteer operated and usually have a volunteer board of directors with a “President” or “Comissioner” and various officers assigned to various aspects of operating the league. Somebody on that board is always tasked with working with a photo vendor.
Many leagues are run by Parks & Recreation Departments, YMCA and Boys & Girls Clubs. These leagues usually have a paid administrator in charge, usually a “sports director” or some such person. These programs are operated out of a building and the sports director usually has regular hours.
School teams are usually affiliated with a Middle School or High School. While we DO NOT target this market, we do get referrals to do this work and there is no reason a distributor can’t pursue it but it is not the core of our business.